English 12A- Edgenuity

Course Description:

This senior-level English course offers fascinating insight into British literary traditions spanning from Anglo-Saxon writing to the Modern Period. With interactive introductions and historical contexts, this full-year course connects philosophical, political, religious, ethical, and social influences of each time period to the works of many notable authors, including Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth I, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Virginia Woolf. Adding an extra dimension to the British literary experience, this course also exposes students to world literature, including works from India, Europe, China, and Spain.

Course Details:

Course Title (District): English 12A- Edgenuity
Course Title (NCES SCED) : English/Language Arts IV (12th grade)
Course Provider : Ann Arbor Public Schools
Content Provided By : Imagine Edgenuity Inc.
Online Instructor Provided By : Ann Arbor Public Schools
Standards Addressed : Common Core State Standards
Alignment Document : http://learn.edgenuity.com
Academic Terms : Semester, Trimester
NCES SCED Code : 01004
Subject Area : English Language and Literature
Course Identifier : English/Language Arts IV (12th grade)
Course Level : High School (Secondary)
Available Credit : 0.5
Sequence : 1 of 2

How To Enroll:

Enrollment Website : http://a2virtual.org
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 734-997-1208

Students and Parents: It is important to work closely with your local school counselor or registrar to follow the school's enrollment procedures. By clicking the "Start Registration Request" button below, you will be able to notify the school of your interest in registering for the online course. However, it is the responsibility of the district or school to review the registration request and approve or deny the request. Please make a note to follow up with your school after submitting a registration request.

Start Registration Request

Additional Course Information:

Additional Cost: $0.0

Additional Cost Description:


Throughout the course, students will meet the following goals: • Demonstrate knowledge of foundational works of British and world literature • Analyze seminal pieces of British and world literary nonfiction and evaluate their structure and reasoning • Analyze the impact of an author’s word choice and how that author’s voice and choice of words relates to elements of a text • Learn communication skills necessary for real-world presentations and collaboration • Create a variety of original compositions in response to persuasive, expository, and literary prompts • Learn to use Standard English through a variety of grammar lessons

iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses

Academic Content Standards and Assessments Rating Comments
The goals and objectives clearly state what the participants will know or be able to do at the end of the course. The goals and objectives are measurable in multiple ways. Fully Met This course was reviewed by the California Learning Resource Network (CLRN) in December 2013 and is CLRN-certified. Course goals are listed on the first page of the student syllabus of each course. Objectives for each lesson are provided for students in the course. All objectives are measurable and the assessments are designed to provide observable evidence of mastery of the course goals and objectives.
The course content and assignments are aligned with the state’s content standards, Common Core curriculum, or other accepted content standards set for Advanced Placement® courses, technology, computer science, or other courses whose content is not included in the state standards. Fully Met The course is aligned at the lesson level. It was specifically built to and aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Instructional design incorporates best practices including iNACOL instructional and teaching and learning standards and Universal Design for Learning guidelines.
The course content and assignments are of sufficient rigor, depth and breadth to teach the standards being addressed. Fully Met Objectives and assessment questions are written to match the cognitive level of the Common Core State Standards. Students are asked to think critically about what they learn, as well as analyze ideas and trace their development throughout the course.
Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum. Fully Met The course is designed to equip students with high level interactivity, multi-modal learning, and the 21st century skills needed to graduate and become productive, responsible citizens in a global society.
Multiple learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students before the course begins. Fully Met The student portal provides students with numerous learning resources that prepare them for the online course.
Course Overview and Introduction Rating Comments
Clear, complete course overview and syllabus are included in the course. Fully Met Students receive a syllabus in their in-system email at the start of the course, which provides a clear, complete course overview and also introduces students to their email system. The Course Map within the student portal also serves as a dynamic and interactive scope and sequence—more detailed than the unit list that appears in the syllabus.
Course requirements are consistent with course goals, are representative of the scope of the course and are clearly stated. Fully Met The syllabus, student handbook, and student portal provide detailed information about the specific course requirements, student expectations, estimated time required for activities, and expectations for communications, such as online discussion, synchronous chats and e-mail. All course requirements and student expectations represent the course goals.
Information is provided to students, parents and mentors on how to communicate with the online instructor and course provider. Fully Met Detailed instructions for communication are included in the student manual and in the student handbook. Communication with parents is facilitated through email or via the family portal.
Legal and Acceptable Use Policies Rating Comments
The course reflects multi-cultural education, and the content is accurate, current and free of bias or advertising. Fully Met Regular updates ensure that content is accurate, current, and free from bias or advertising. The course reflects multi-cultural education and Edgenuity’s certified and highly qualified, onscreen teachers represent a variety of cultures and backgrounds.
Expectations for academic integrity, use of copyrighted materials, plagiarism and netiquette (Internet etiquette) regarding lesson activities, discussions, and e-mail communications are clearly stated. Fully Met The Edgenuity Student Handbook outlines student expectations on academic integrity and netiquette.
Privacy policies are clearly stated. Fully Met Edgenuity’s privacy policy is stated on our corporate website.
Instructor Resources Rating Comments
Online instructor resources and notes are included. Fully Met The Edgenuity Instructor Handbook contains guidance for virtual teachers. Additional resources and notes for teachers are provided on the eCommunity portal, which is accessible from within the teacher portal.
Assessment and assignment answers and explanations are included. Fully Met Answers to assessments and selected assignments are included for students in the student portal. Correct answers are provided for all questions.
Instructional and Audience Analysis Rating Comments
Course design reflects a clear understanding of all students’ needs and incorporates varied ways to learn and master the curriculum. Fully Met Edgenuity uses the framework of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to ensure curriculum is flexible enough to address learner variability. Developers focus on providing students with multiple means of content representation, multiple means of expressing learned content, and multiple means of engagement with content.
Course, Unit and Lesson Design Rating Comments
The course is organized by units and lessons that fall into a logical sequence. Each unit and lesson includes an overview describing objectives, activities, assignments, assessments, and resources to provide multiple learning opportunities for students to master the content. Fully Met Each course is organized by units and lessons. An interactive table of contents is provided to students, which includes an overview describing objectives, activities, assignments, assessments, and resources to provide multiple learning opportunities for students to master the content.
Instructional Strategies and Activities Rating Comments
The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning. Fully Met Edgenuity courses offer a variety of ways for students to engage in the course and to develop and express their knowledge, including use of contemporary tools and media such as interactive discussion forums, multimedia composition software and virtual manipulatives.
The course and course instructor provide students with multiple learning paths, based on student needs that engage students in a variety of ways. Fully Met Robust tools embedded in Edgenuity’s learning management system support teachers in individualizing the student learning experience and making appropriate modifications and accommodations for students.
The course provides opportunities for students to engage in higher-order thinking, critical reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways. Fully Met Students enrolled in Edgenuity courses are highly engaged and empowered as they move through multimedia, interactive activities designed to incorporate real-world relevance into course curriculum. Students engage in higher-order thinking, critical reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways.
The course provides options for the instructor to adapt learning activities to accommodate students’ needs. Fully Met Robust tools embedded in the learning management system support teachers in individualizing the student learning experience and making appropriate modifications and accommodations for students.
Readability levels, written language assignments and mathematical requirements are appropriate for the course content and grade-level expectations. Fully Met Edgenuity develops lessons using national and state standards as a basis for determining depth and breadth of course content and grade level. Readability levels are built into the course design and we also follow guidelines for text complexity as outlined in the Common Core.
Communication and Interaction Rating Comments
The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including opportunities for timely and frequent feedback about student progress. Fully Met Students interact with their teachers regularly. At the beginning of each course, the teacher establishes a schedule for synchronous instruction that includes tools such as live chat and whiteboard communication.
The course design includes explicit communication/activities (both before and during the first week of the course) that confirms whether students are engaged and are progressing through the course. The instructor will follow program guidelines to address non-responsive students. Fully Met At the beginning of each course, the teacher establishes a schedule for synchronous sessions that include tools such as live chat and whiteboard communication. Robust tools ensure that all student progress is monitored regularly and any necessary adjustments are made by the teacher as needed.
The course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student-student interaction to foster mastery and application of the material. Fully Met Students interact regularly with teachers via live-chat, phone, text, or email. Students also engage in group discussions about lesson content.
Resources and Materials Rating Comments
Students have access to resources that enrich the course content. Fully Met The student portal includes reference materials and tools for each course. Resources include: Toolbar, Translation Tool, Glossary and Lesson Transcripts, Captions, and Digital Notebook.
Evaluation Strategies Rating Comments
Student evaluation strategies are consistent with course goals and objectives, are representative of the scope of the course and are clearly stated. Fully Met Edgenuity assessments have been reviewed for validity and reliability. All assessment items are aligned to Edgenuity course content material and represent the breadth of content described in national and state standards.
The course structure includes adequate and appropriate methods and procedures to assess students’ mastery of content. Fully Met Objectives and assessment questions are written to match the cognitive level of the standards. Students are assessed formally and informally throughout the course through formative, summative, interim, and diagnostic assessments. All Edgenuity assessments undergo rigorous analyses to ensure they are strongly correlated to their objectives, and are evaluated for internal consistency reliability.
Feedback Rating Comments
Ongoing, varied, and frequent assessments are conducted throughout the course to inform instruction. Fully Met In addition to the formal assessments after lessons, units, and semesters, student mastery is viewed through completed projects, essays, or other assignments.
Assessment strategies and tools make the student continuously aware of his/her progress in class and mastery of the content. Fully Met Edgenuity’s student experience provides a variety of tools and procedures to allow students to self-monitor their progress.
Assessment Resources and Materials Rating Comments
Assessment materials provide the instructor with the flexibility to assess students in a variety of ways. Fully Met Students are assessed formally and informally throughout the course through formative, summative, interim, and diagnostic assessments. Assessments are randomly generated from an item bank, so that different students see different test forms. The item bank contains questions that span the full range of the Depth of Knowledge, and any given test form will include items at all levels.
Grading rubrics are provided to the instructor and may be shared with students. Fully Met Rubrics are provided for grading, and these rubrics can be shared with the student. Open-ended questions also contain sample student responses, to help teachers assess student work.
The grading policy and practices are easy to understand. Fully Met The grading policy and scale are included in the course syllabi. Individual assignments are scored based on a consistent, easy-to-understand percentage calculation.
Course Architecture Rating Comments
The course architecture permits the online instructor to add content, activities and assessments to extend learning opportunities. Fully Met Edgenuity’s learning management system provides various options to individualize instruction for students with different learning needs, including struggling, on-track, and advanced students. Content can be added from Edgenuity’s lesson bank or additional assignments can be uploaded.
The course accommodates multiple school calendars; e.g., block, 4X4 and traditional schedules. Fully Met Districts can input their own school calendar(s), which automatically updates students' assignment calendars.
User Interface Rating Comments
Clear and consistent navigation is present throughout the course. Fully Met Navigation is consistent and predictable, requiring almost no training. After viewing orientation videos, users need only to click on desired location.
Rich media are provided in multiple formats for ease of use and access in order to address diverse student needs. Fully Met The course is media-rich, making ample use of audio and video, as well as digital interactive tools. The student experience is designed to engage students in the learning process through a completely online, multi-media environment with interactive animations, simulations, video-based presentations, online content, vocabulary development, and exploration activities that support each lesson.
Technology Requirements and Interoperability Rating Comments
All technology requirements (including hardware, browser, software, etc...) are specified. Fully Met The operating system, processor speed, plug-ins and connection speed are all visible for students within the Student Organizer shown below. Students can check the status of all necessary plugins from this screen. All system requirements are shared with schools during the implementation process and support is available to handle any technological concerns.
Prerequisite skills in the use of technology are identified. Fully Met No prerequisite technology skills are required. Students are only expected to have basic understanding of how to access the Internet and use a keyboard and mouse.
The course uses content-specific tools and software appropriately. Fully Met All online tools are built directly into Edgenuity’s learning management system and student portal. No separate download or installation is required.
The course is designed to meet internationally recognized interoperability standards. Fully Met Edgenuity is built on interoperable technical standards, and has successfully integrated instructional content, assignments, and activities with a variety of industry standard learning management systems.
Copyright and licensing status, including permission to share where applicable, is clearly stated and easily found. Fully Met All course materials are developed in compliance with copyright laws.
Accessibility Rating Comments
Course materials and activities are designed to provide appropriate access to all students. The course, developed with universal design principles in mind, conforms to the U.S. Section 504 and Section 508 provisions for electronic and information technology as well as the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility guidelines (WCAg 2.0). Fully Met The online software conforms to the transitional HTML W3C recommendations. Additionally, Edgenuity courses include a variety of features to support accessibility, including alt tags, video transcripts and captioning, color and contrast considerations, closed captioning, and adjustable timings.
Data Security Rating Comments
Student information remains confidential, as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Fully Met Edgenuity makes every effort to comply with the Family Educational Right and Policy Act (FERPA).
Accessing Course Effectiveness Rating Comments
The course provider uses multiple ways of assessing course effectiveness. Fully Met Edgenuity utilizes a variety of methods to evaluate course effectiveness, including surveys, regular data pulls on assessment items, and outside reviewers. Edgenuity also works with select district partners to evaluate student performance on state and national assessments.
The course is evaluated using a continuous improvement cycle for effectiveness and the findings used as a basis for improvement. Fully Met Edgenuity evaluates courses on a three-year basis, using internal and external evaluation data to improve instruction and assessment. Additionally, courses are reviewed regularly by third party reviewers.
Course Updates Rating Comments
The course is updated periodically to ensure that the content is current. Fully Met Core courses are updated approximately every three years. However, courses are monitored regularly to ensure that all content is current. Additionally, courses are reviewed regularly by third party reviewers.
Certification Rating Comments
Course instructors, whether faceto-face or virtual, are certificated and “highly qualified.” The online course teacher possesses a teaching credential from a state-licensing agency and is “highly qualified” as defined under ESEA. Fully Met Edgenuity’s Instructors are highly qualified and Michigan certified in the corresponding subjects.
Instructor and Student Support Rating Comments
Professional development about the online course delivery system is offered by the provider to assure effective use of the courseware and various instructional media available. Fully Met Edgenuity provides on-site, face-to-face training and/or webinars tailored to meet the precise needs of individuals and their roles in the implementation process. Training is provided both at the district and school level.
The course provider offers technical support and course management assistance to students, the course instructor, and the school coordinator. Fully Met Customer support is available to teachers, administrators, staff, and students by telephone, email, and chat.
Course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, have been provided professional development in the behavioral, social, and when necessary, emotional, aspects of the learning environment. Fully Met All Edgenuity teachers have taken the online course they are teaching and use the student experience to further implement successful strategies for online teaching. Teachers at school districts are provided with training that includes targeted remediation and engaging and motivating online learners.
Course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, receive instructor professional development, which includes the support and use of a variety of communication modes to stimulate student engagement online. Fully Met Teachers receive instructor professional development enabling them to interact regularly with students via live-chat, phone, text, or email. Teachers also facilitate group discussions about lesson content.
The provider assures that course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, are provided support, as needed, to ensure their effectiveness and success in meeting the needs of online students. Fully Met Training is provided both at the district and school level. Teachers are provided support to ensure their effectiveness and success in meeting the needs of online students. Additionally, Edgenuity offers online support and webinars to help educators to better serve the daily needs of their students.
Students are offered an orientation for taking an online course before starting the coursework. Fully Met Before the course begins, all students view an orientation video that prepares them for success.

Review Conducted By: California Learning Resource Network
Date of Review: 12/06/2013

When you log into Edgenuity, you can view the entire course map—an interactive scope and sequence of all topics you will study. The units of study are summarized below: Unit 1: Anglo-Saxon and Old English Period: 449–1066 Unit 2: The Medieval Period: 1066–1485 Unit 3: The Renaissance: 1485–1660 Unit 4: Drama: William Shakespeare – The Tragedy of Macbeth Unit 5: Restoration and Enlightenment: 1660–1798 Unit 6: Romantic Period: 1798–1832 Unit 7: Victorian Period: 1832–1901 Unit 8: World Literature: Theme – Self-Discovery Unit 9: Modern Period: 1901–1950 Unit 10: Contemporary Period: 1951–1979 Unit 11: You and Your World

Term Type Enrollment Opens Enrollment Ends Random Draw Date Enrollment Drop Date Course Starts Course Ends # of Seats Course Fee Potential Additional Costs
Drop Policy Completion Policy Term Type Enrollment Opens Enrollment Ends
Students are expected to maintain regular contact with teachers; the minimum requirement is weekly.
School Year Enrollment Count Pass Count Completion Rate Notes
23-24 27 26 96.3%
22-23 12 12 100.0%
21-22 27 23 85.19%
19-20 7 7 100.0%
18-19 3 2 66.67%
17-18 4 2 50.0%
16-17 2 1 50.0%
15-16 3 1 33.33% None
14-15 4 3 75.0% None
13-14 1 1 100.0% NEW COURSE FALL 2014

Students will need a computer with high speed internet access. Complete specifications can be found at http://www.edgenuity.com/Support/System-Requirements.