As the world gets more connected, nearly all Americans are affected by world events. The global impact of events is related to political and cultural forces but also stems from the powerful intersection of an increasingly global economy. Traditional human concerns such as the use and allocation of scarce resources, leadership and decision making, and how to live peacefully in diverse groups are visible across the globe. Using a geographic lens to explore global events allows us to compare how humans in different places address similar issues. It also enables us to study broad patterns of human behavior and the global consequences of those actions. Knowledge, understanding, and application of geographic content and perspectives are essential to comprehend the causes and effects of physical and human events that occur on the earth’s surface.
Students and Parents: It is important to work closely with your local school counselor or
registrar to follow the school's enrollment procedures. By clicking the "Start Registration
Request" button below, you will be able to notify the school of your interest in registering for
the online course. However, it is the responsibility of the district or school to review the
registration request and approve or deny the request. Please make a note to follow up with
your school after submitting a registration request.
A1. A course overview and syllabus are included in the online course
Fully Met
A2. Minimum computer skills and digital literacy skills expected of the learner are clearly stated.*
Fully Met
A3. The instructor’s biographical information and information on how to communicate with the instructor are provided to learners and other stakeholders.
Fully Met
A4. Learner expectations and policies are clearly stated and readily accessible within the introductory material of the course.
Fully Met
A5. Minimum technology requirements for the course are clearly stated, and information on how to obtain the technologies is provided.*
Fully Met
A6. Grading policies and practices are clearly defined in accordance with course content learning expectations.
Fully Met
A7. The online course provides a clear description or link to the technical support offered and how to obtain it.*
Fully Met
A8. Learners are offered an orientation prior to the start of the online course.
B1. The online course objectives or competencies are measurable and clearly state what the learner will be able to demonstrate as a result of successfully completing the course.*
Fully Met
B2. The online course expectations are consistent with course-level objectives or competencies, are representative of the structure of the course, and are clearly stated.
Fully Met
B3. The online course content is aligned with accepted state and/or other accepted content standards, where applicable.*
Fully Met
B4. Digital literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.*
Fully Met
B5. Supplemental learning resources and related instructional materials are available to support and enrich learning and are aligned to the specific content being delivered.*
Fully Met
B6. The online course content and supporting materials reflect a culturally diverse perspective that is free of bias.*
Fully Met
B7. The online course materials (e.g., textbooks, primary source documents, OER) that support course content standards are accurate and current.
Fully Met
B8. The online course is free of adult content and avoids unnecessary advertisements.*
Fully Met
B9. Copyright and licensing status for any third-party content is appropriately cited and easily found.
Fully Met
B10. Documentation and other support materials are available to support effective online course facilitation.*
C1. The online course design includes activities that guide learners toward promoting ownership of their learning and self-monitoring.
Fully Met
C2. The online course’s content and learning activities promote the achievement of the stated learning objectives or competencies.
Fully Met
C3. The online course is organized by units and lessons that fall into a logical sequence.
Fully Met
C4. The online course content is appropriate to the reading level of the intended learners.*
Fully Met
C5. The online course design includes introductory assignments or activities to engage learners within the first week of the course.
Fully Met
C6. The online course provides learners with multiple learning paths as appropriate, based on learner needs, that engage learners in a variety of ways.
Fully Met
C7. The online course provides regular opportunities for learner-learner interaction.
Fully Met
C8. The online course design provides opportunities for learner-instructor interaction, including opportunities for regular feedback about learner progress.*
Fully Met
C9. Online course instructional materials and resources present content in an effective, engaging, and appropriate manner.*
F1. Educational tools ensure learner privacy and maintain confidentiality of learner information in accordance with local, state, and national laws for learner data.
Fully Met
F2. The online course tools support the learning objectives or competencies.*
Fully Met
F3. The online course provides options for the instructor to adapt learning activities to accommodate learners’ needs and preferences.*
Fully Met
F4. The course allows instructors to control the release of content.*
Fully Met
F5. The course provides the necessary technical functionality to score and record assessments and calculate earned course points or grades.*
Instructor will provide daily, live instruction and also a mix of independent and on demand learning options, in a structured, virtual classroom setting.