
Course Description:

This is a one semester course that will introduce students to the basic tools of both microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. Microeconomics deals with consumers, firms, markets, income distribution and personal finance and budgeting. Macroeconomics deals with national income, employment, inflation, money and the government's role in the economy. Successful completion of this course is required for graduation.

Course Details:

Course Title (District): Economics
Course Title (NCES SCED) : Economics
Course Provider : Novi Community School District
Content Provided By : Novi Community School District
Online Instructor Provided By : Novi Community School District
Standards Addressed :
Academic Terms : Semester
NCES SCED Code : 04201
Subject Area : Social Sciences and History
Course Identifier : Economics
Course Level : High School (Secondary)
Available Credit : 0.5
Sequence : 2 of 2

How To Enroll:

Email : [email protected]
Phone : 248-675-3159

Students and Parents: It is important to work closely with your local school counselor or registrar to follow the school's enrollment procedures. By clicking the "Start Registration Request" button below, you will be able to notify the school of your interest in registering for the online course. However, it is the responsibility of the district or school to review the registration request and approve or deny the request. Please make a note to follow up with your school after submitting a registration request.

Additional Course Information:

Unit 1: Thinking Like An Economist

1. I can understand the concept of scarcity and its role in decision-making 
2.  I can identify and give examples of the factors of production. 
3.  I can list and explain tradeoffs and identify the opportunity cost when making decisions. 
4. I can think like an economist by explaining economic enigmas. 
5.  I can identify and explain how each economic system answers the 3 fundamental economic questions as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each system. 
6.  I can identify major characteristics of a free enterprise (market-based) system. 
7. I can identify side effects of production and consumption in a market economy 
8. I can list and evaluate the roles of the government in a market economy. 
9.  I can create, read, and interpret a production possibility graph (PPF model) 

Unit 2:  How do you know when the price (and quantity) is right?  (Supply & Demand)

Learning Target 
  1. I can use the law of demand to explain consumer behavior.
2. I can identify all the factors that lead to shifts in demand. 
3.  I can use the law of supply to explain producer behavior. 
4.  I can identify all the factors that lead to shifts in supply. 
5.  I can explain the determination of equilibrium prices by applying principles of supply and demand to markets for goods and services. 
6 . I can illustrate and explain the effect on price and quantity when supply or demand shifts in a market. 
7.  I can identify direct and indirect effects of price floors and ceilings. 

Unit 3:   What's the government got to do (got to do) with it? Measuring & Managing The Economy

Learning Targets 
1. I can identify and explain economic indicators such as GDP, unemployment, and CPI. 
2. I can use economic indicators to explain conditions of depression, recession, and expansion.  
3. I can explain the two tools the Federal Government uses for contractionary and expansionary fiscal policies (Fiscal Policy). 
4. I can explain the structure of the Federal Reserve and the three tools used for tight money and easy money policies (Monetary Policy). 
5. I can predict and evaluate the impact of fiscal and monetary policy actions. 
6. I can explain how the government generates revenue and makes spending decisions. 

Unit 4:  Unit 4: Anybody Wanna Trade in our Global Economy

Unit 4 Learning Targets

1. I can explain why countries trade using the concepts of comparative and absolute advantage.

  • I can explain why certain goods or services are produced in a particular nation, region, and locale as a result of absolute and comparative advantage.
  • I can describe how comparative advantage creates gains from trade.
  • I can explain how specialization can lead to a strong economy and higher standard of living.
2. I can evaluate the impact of trade on foreign and domestic markets.
3. I can identify and evaluate the costs and benefits of globalization

Unit 5: Be the Boss of your Economic Future (Personal Finance)

Unit 5 Learning Targets
 1 Saving – I can identify the incentives people have to set aside income for future consumption, and evaluate the impact of time, interest rates, and inflation upon the value of savings. 
 2 Using Credit – I can evaluate the benefits, costs, and potential impacts of using credit to purchase goods and services. 
3 Financial Investing – I can analyze the risks, expected rate of return, tax benefits, impact of inflation, role of government agencies, and importance of diversification when investing in financial assets.

NSQ National Standards for Quality Online Courses

Rating Comments
A1. A course overview and syllabus are included in the online course Fully Met
A2. Minimum computer skills and digital literacy skills expected of the learner are clearly stated.* Fully Met
A3. The instructor’s biographical information and information on how to communicate with the instructor are provided to learners and other stakeholders. Fully Met
A4. Learner expectations and policies are clearly stated and readily accessible within the introductory material of the course. Fully Met
A5. Minimum technology requirements for the course are clearly stated, and information on how to obtain the technologies is provided.* Fully Met
A6. Grading policies and practices are clearly defined in accordance with course content learning expectations. Fully Met
A7. The online course provides a clear description or link to the technical support offered and how to obtain it.* Fully Met
A8. Learners are offered an orientation prior to the start of the online course. Fully Met
Rating Comments
B1. The online course objectives or competencies are measurable and clearly state what the learner will be able to demonstrate as a result of successfully completing the course.* Fully Met
B2. The online course expectations are consistent with course-level objectives or competencies, are representative of the structure of the course, and are clearly stated. Fully Met
B3. The online course content is aligned with accepted state and/or other accepted content standards, where applicable.* Fully Met
B4. Digital literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.* Fully Met
B5. Supplemental learning resources and related instructional materials are available to support and enrich learning and are aligned to the specific content being delivered.* Fully Met
B6. The online course content and supporting materials reflect a culturally diverse perspective that is free of bias.* Fully Met
B7. The online course materials (e.g., textbooks, primary source documents, OER) that support course content standards are accurate and current. Fully Met
B8. The online course is free of adult content and avoids unnecessary advertisements.* Fully Met
B9. Copyright and licensing status for any third-party content is appropriately cited and easily found. Fully Met
B10. Documentation and other support materials are available to support effective online course facilitation.* Fully Met
Rating Comments
C1. The online course design includes activities that guide learners toward promoting ownership of their learning and self-monitoring. Fully Met
C2. The online course’s content and learning activities promote the achievement of the stated learning objectives or competencies. Fully Met
C3. The online course is organized by units and lessons that fall into a logical sequence. Fully Met
C4. The online course content is appropriate to the reading level of the intended learners.* Fully Met
C5. The online course design includes introductory assignments or activities to engage learners within the first week of the course. Fully Met
C6. The online course provides learners with multiple learning paths as appropriate, based on learner needs, that engage learners in a variety of ways. Fully Met
C7. The online course provides regular opportunities for learner-learner interaction. Fully Met
C8. The online course design provides opportunities for learner-instructor interaction, including opportunities for regular feedback about learner progress.* Fully Met
C9. Online course instructional materials and resources present content in an effective, engaging, and appropriate manner.* Fully Met
Rating Comments
D1. Learner assessments are linked to stated course, unit, or lesson-level objectives or competencies. Fully Met
D2. Valid course assessments measure learner progress toward mastery of content. Fully Met
D3. Assessment practices provide routine and varied opportunities for self-monitoring and reflection of learning.* Fully Met
D4. Assessment materials provide the learner with the flexibility to demonstrate mastery in a variety of ways.* Fully Met
D5. Rubrics that clearly define expectations for varied levels of proficiency are created and shared with learners.* Fully Met
Rating Comments
E1. Online course navigation is logical, consistent, and efficient from the learner’s point of view.* Fully Met
E2. The online course design facilitates readability.* Fully Met
E3. The online course provides accessible course materials and activities to meet the needs of diverse learners.* Fully Met
E4. Course multimedia facilitate ease of use.* Fully Met
E5. Vendor accessibility statements are provided for all technologies required in the course.* Fully Met
Rating Comments
F1. Educational tools ensure learner privacy and maintain confidentiality of learner information in accordance with local, state, and national laws for learner data. Fully Met
F2. The online course tools support the learning objectives or competencies.* Fully Met
F3. The online course provides options for the instructor to adapt learning activities to accommodate learners’ needs and preferences.* Fully Met
F4. The course allows instructors to control the release of content.* Fully Met
F5. The course provides the necessary technical functionality to score and record assessments and calculate earned course points or grades.* Fully Met
Rating Comments
G1. The online course uses multiple methods and sources of input for assessing course effectiveness. Fully Met
G2. The online course is reviewed to ensure that the course is current. Fully Met
G3. The online course is updated on a continuous improvement cycle for effectiveness based on the findings from ongoing reviews. Fully Met

Review Conducted By: Novi Community School District
Date of Review: 05/26/2022

Unit  1And now introducing… ECONOMICS!  (Thinking Like an Economist)
Unit 2How do you know when the price is right? (Supply and Demand) 
Unit 3What's the government got to do (got to do) with it? (Gov’t & the Economy/Measuring & Managing the Economy) 
Unit  4Anybody wanna trade in our ever increasing global economy? (Global Trade) 
Unit 5Be the Boss of your Economic Future (Personal Finance) 


Term Type Enrollment Opens Enrollment Ends Random Draw Date Enrollment Drop Date Course Starts Course Ends # of Seats Course Fee Potential Additional Costs
Drop Policy Completion Policy Term Type Enrollment Opens Enrollment Ends
Instructor will provide daily, live instruction and also a mix of independent and on demand learning options, in a structured, virtual classroom setting. Students are expected to regularly check school email, reply accordingly, and schedule meetings with instructors, as needed, during on demand time.

Students will need the following:

  • A Chromebook (or similar device) with camera and microphone enabled
  • Headphones/Earbuds
  • Access to Google Chrome
  • Access to web based learning management platform