American Sign Language 1B
Course Description:
This course is the second in a two-course sequence. Topics addressed in the course include information about the deaf culture, communication problems associated with deaf individuals, and the linguistic heritage of the deaf community and its influence on our own culture. The online text includes many videos that include role-playing conversations as well as vocabulary. Students will be asked to use various media tools including online resources, online dictionaries, a web cam, and the web-based Video Notes tool in Brightspace in order to record their performance in assignment submissions throughout the course. Students will be producing their own signing videos to demonstrate their learning. The goal of this course is to help develop fundamental ASL skills, knowledge, and interest that students will need to advance to the higher levels of ASL courses. The activities follow the Michigan standards and benchmarks for World Languages, which are designed to enrich the learning experience and guide students toward developing cultural and linguistic fluency.
• The school's computers and network must meet the required technology requirements.
• This is a limited enrollment course.
• ASL is a sign language that is different from Signed Exact English (SEE).
Course Details:
Course Title (District): | American Sign Language 1B | ||||||||||
Course Title (NCES SCED) : | American Sign Language I | ||||||||||
Course Provider : | Michigan Virtual | ||||||||||
Content Provided By : | Michigan Virtual | ||||||||||
Online Instructor Provided By : | Michigan Virtual | ||||||||||
Standards Addressed : | Michigan Merit Curriculum, National Collegiate Athletic Association, Michigan World Language Standards and Benchmarks | ||||||||||
Alignment Document : | | ||||||||||
Academic Terms : | Semester, Trimester, Accelerated | ||||||||||
NCES SCED Code : 24852 |
How To Enroll:
Enrollment Website : | |
Email : | [email protected] |
Phone : | (888) 889-2840 |
Students and Parents: It is important to work closely with your local school counselor or registrar to follow the school's enrollment procedures. By clicking the "Start Registration Request" button below, you will be able to notify the school of your interest in registering for the online course. However, it is the responsibility of the district or school to review the registration request and approve or deny the request. Please make a note to follow up with your school after submitting a registration request.
Additional Course Information:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (888) 889-2840
- Culture Topics include:
- Danny Delcambre
- Evelyn Glennie
- Howie Seago
- Ken Glickman
- Lauren Gallimore
- Cochlear Implant
- ASL ABC stories
Additional Cost: $0.0
Additional Cost Description:
By the end of the course students will be able to:
• Greet appropriately in ASL in everyday situations
• Initiate and maintain a short ASL conversation
• Explain common practices and products in Deaf culture
iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses
Academic Content Standards and Assessments | Rating | Comments |
The goals and objectives clearly state what the participants will know or be able to do at the end of the course. The goals and objectives are measurable in multiple ways. | Fully Met | There is a clear explanation of the syllabus. |
The course content and assignments are aligned with the state’s content standards, Common Core curriculum, or other accepted content standards set for Advanced Placement® courses, technology, computer science, or other courses whose content is not included in the state standards. | Fully Met | Meets the Michigan World Language Standards and Benchmarks. |
The course content and assignments are of sufficient rigor, depth and breadth to teach the standards being addressed. | Fully Met | |
Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum. | Fully Met | |
Multiple learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students before the course begins. | Fully Met | Must be able to complete ASL 1A to continue. |
Course Overview and Introduction | Rating | Comments |
Clear, complete course overview and syllabus are included in the course. | Fully Met | Located in the Course Info and Syllabus |
Course requirements are consistent with course goals, are representative of the scope of the course and are clearly stated. | Fully Met | This is clearly explained in each lesson, unit, and test that continues from ASL 1A. |
Information is provided to students, parents and mentors on how to communicate with the online instructor and course provider. | Fully Met | This is found under the MVU Main Page and Course Info. The Course Introduction covers this well for students and parents. |
Legal and Acceptable Use Policies | Rating | Comments |
The course reflects multi-cultural education, and the content is accurate, current and free of bias or advertising. | Fully Met | All the YouTube videos are good. |
Expectations for academic integrity, use of copyrighted materials, plagiarism and netiquette (Internet etiquette) regarding lesson activities, discussions, and e-mail communications are clearly stated. | Fully Met | Found under the MVU Homepage and Course Info |
Privacy policies are clearly stated. | Fully Met | Under the MVU Home Page |
Instructor Resources | Rating | Comments |
Online instructor resources and notes are included. | Fully Met | Organized format of each unit with resources and notes. |
Assessment and assignment answers and explanations are included. | Partially Met | Answer keys are difficult to make since most assignments and assessments are essays, projects, Voice Threads, and videos. It would be helpful to have a short synopsis. |
Accessing Course Effectiveness | Rating | Comments |
The course provider uses multiple ways of assessing course effectiveness. | Fully Met | End of class survey. |
The course is evaluated using a continuous improvement cycle for effectiveness and the findings used as a basis for improvement. | Fully Met | MVS uses feedback from instructors to improve courses. MVS also creates an improvement schedule for courses that are aligned to new or changing standards (such as AP or CCSS), student survey feedback, and outside course reviewers' feedback. |
Course Updates | Rating | Comments |
The course is updated periodically to ensure that the content is current. | Fully Met | Course appears to be updated periodically. |
Certification | Rating | Comments |
Course instructors, whether faceto-face or virtual, are certificated and “highly qualified.” The online course teacher possesses a teaching credential from a state-licensing agency and is “highly qualified” as defined under ESEA. | Fully Met |
Instructor and Student Support | Rating | Comments |
Professional development about the online course delivery system is offered by the provider to assure effective use of the courseware and various instructional media available. | Fully Met | |
The course provider offers technical support and course management assistance to students, the course instructor, and the school coordinator. | Fully Met | |
Course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, have been provided professional development in the behavioral, social, and when necessary, emotional, aspects of the learning environment. | Fully Met | Yes, under MVU Main Page and Getting Started tab. |
Course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, receive instructor professional development, which includes the support and use of a variety of communication modes to stimulate student engagement online. | Fully Met | Required as part of Teacher Certification. |
The provider assures that course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, are provided support, as needed, to ensure their effectiveness and success in meeting the needs of online students. | Fully Met | |
Students are offered an orientation for taking an online course before starting the coursework. | Fully Met |
Instructional and Audience Analysis | Rating | Comments |
Course design reflects a clear understanding of all students’ needs and incorporates varied ways to learn and master the curriculum. | Fully Met |
Course, Unit and Lesson Design | Rating | Comments |
The course is organized by units and lessons that fall into a logical sequence. Each unit and lesson includes an overview describing objectives, activities, assignments, assessments, and resources to provide multiple learning opportunities for students to master the content. | Fully Met | The course is very organized and precise. |
Instructional Strategies and Activities | Rating | Comments |
The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning. | Fully Met | |
The course and course instructor provide students with multiple learning paths, based on student needs that engage students in a variety of ways. | Fully Met | There are paths within each unit to help student engagement |
The course provides opportunities for students to engage in higher-order thinking, critical reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways. | Fully Met | Unit projects and homework require higher level thinking with open-ended questions. |
The course provides options for the instructor to adapt learning activities to accommodate students’ needs. | Fully Met | Flexibility is provided for instructor to accommodate individuals. |
Readability levels, written language assignments and mathematical requirements are appropriate for the course content and grade-level expectations. | Fully Met |
Communication and Interaction | Rating | Comments |
The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including opportunities for timely and frequent feedback about student progress. | Fully Met | The pacing guide is a constant reminder to check in on deadlines. |
The course design includes explicit communication/activities (both before and during the first week of the course) that confirms whether students are engaged and are progressing through the course. The instructor will follow program guidelines to address non-responsive students. | Fully Met | There are many blog discussions for engaging students. |
The course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student-student interaction to foster mastery and application of the material. | Fully Met | Discussion boards, responses to short answer and essay questions, feedback from projects and assignments all offer students opportunity to check progress. The "My Grades" tab also allows this. |
Resources and Materials | Rating | Comments |
Students have access to resources that enrich the course content. | Fully Met | All found under the Resources tab. |
Evaluation Strategies | Rating | Comments |
Student evaluation strategies are consistent with course goals and objectives, are representative of the scope of the course and are clearly stated. | Fully Met | |
The course structure includes adequate and appropriate methods and procedures to assess students’ mastery of content. | Fully Met | Unit projects, essays, assessments, and exams. |
Feedback | Rating | Comments |
Ongoing, varied, and frequent assessments are conducted throughout the course to inform instruction. | Fully Met | There are midterms, exams, and projects. |
Assessment strategies and tools make the student continuously aware of his/her progress in class and mastery of the content. | Fully Met | The pacing guide is a constant reminder to check in on deadlines. |
Assessment Resources and Materials | Rating | Comments |
Assessment materials provide the instructor with the flexibility to assess students in a variety of ways. | Fully Met | |
Grading rubrics are provided to the instructor and may be shared with students. | Fully Met | There are excellent rubrics within the course and are readily available for assessments, essays, projects, and exams. |
The grading policy and practices are easy to understand. | Partially Met | An explanation is necessary for the weighting scale of grading for assessments, projects, quizzes, etc. |
Course Architecture | Rating | Comments |
The course architecture permits the online instructor to add content, activities and assessments to extend learning opportunities. | Fully Met | Yes, the instructor is able to add new content and activities for students. |
The course accommodates multiple school calendars; e.g., block, 4X4 and traditional schedules. | Fully Met | There is semester and trimester pacing. |
User Interface | Rating | Comments |
Clear and consistent navigation is present throughout the course. | Fully Met | |
Rich media are provided in multiple formats for ease of use and access in order to address diverse student needs. | Fully Met | There is a variety of media exposed to students. |
Technology Requirements and Interoperability | Rating | Comments |
All technology requirements (including hardware, browser, software, etc...) are specified. | Fully Met | There is a clear explanation of the technology requirements under the Course Info tab. |
Prerequisite skills in the use of technology are identified. | Fully Met | Technology requirements such as Voice Thread are clear. |
The course uses content-specific tools and software appropriately. | Fully Met | Voice Thread is necessary for this course. |
The course is designed to meet internationally recognized interoperability standards. | Fully Met | |
Copyright and licensing status, including permission to share where applicable, is clearly stated and easily found. | Fully Met | MVU Homepage --> Students --> Getting Started --> CEMS Copyright & EULA. |
Accessibility | Rating | Comments |
Course materials and activities are designed to provide appropriate access to all students. The course, developed with universal design principles in mind, conforms to the U.S. Section 504 and Section 508 provisions for electronic and information technology as well as the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility guidelines (WCAg 2.0). | Partially Met | The reviewers believe so, but there is no actual documentation. This should probably be included on MVU Homepage for all courses. |
Data Security | Rating | Comments |
Student information remains confidential, as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). | Fully Met | There is a link to the privacy policy on the MVU home page and on the Course Info page. |
Review Conducted By: Michigan Virtual
Date of Review:
Term Type | Enrollment Opens | Enrollment Ends | Random Draw Date | Enrollment Drop Date | Course Starts | Course Ends | # of Seats | Course Fee | Potential Additional Costs |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 01/17/2025 | 01/03/2025 | 05/23/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 01/24/2025 | 01/10/2025 | 05/30/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 01/31/2025 | 01/17/2025 | 06/06/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 02/07/2025 | 01/24/2025 | 06/13/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 02/14/2025 | 01/31/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 02/21/2025 | 02/07/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 02/28/2025 | 02/14/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 03/07/2025 | 02/21/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 02/28/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 03/21/2025 | 03/07/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 03/07/2025 | 02/21/2025 | 05/23/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 03/14/2025 | 02/28/2025 | 05/30/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 03/21/2025 | 03/07/2025 | 06/06/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 03/28/2025 | 03/14/2025 | 06/13/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 | 07/01/2024 | 04/04/2025 | 03/21/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Accelerated | 01/02/2025 | 06/27/2025 | 04/01/2025 | 06/06/2025 | 05/23/2025 | 08/01/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Accelerated | 01/02/2025 | 06/27/2025 | 04/01/2025 | 06/13/2025 | 05/30/2025 | 08/08/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Accelerated | 01/02/2025 | 06/27/2025 | 04/01/2025 | 06/20/2025 | 06/06/2025 | 08/15/2025 | 100 | $350 | $0 |
Drop Policy | Completion Policy | Term Type | Enrollment Opens | Enrollment Ends |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Semester | 03/29/2024 | 03/14/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Trimester | 03/29/2024 | 03/28/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Accelerated | 01/02/2025 | 06/27/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Accelerated | 01/02/2025 | 06/27/2025 |
Students have 14 days from the enrollment start date to drop the course and receive a full refund. No refunds are given after 14 days. Drop dates are calculated and what is posted is the last possible drop date for enrollments created within the enrollment window. | Students may access their course from their enrollment start date to their enrollment end date. A completion is a 60% final score or higher. | Accelerated | 01/02/2025 | 06/27/2025 |
School Year | Enrollment Count | Pass Count | Completion Rate | Notes |
23-24 | 909 | 868 | 95.49% | |
22-23 | 809 | 789 | 97.53% | |
21-22 | 858 | 810 | 94.41% | |
19-20 | 916 | 712 | 77.73% | |
18-19 | 855 | 776 | 90.76% | |
17-18 | 902 | 812 | 90.02% | Enrollment data includes all enrollments (21f and non-21f) for the 2017-18 school year. |
16-17 | 658 | 602 | 91.49% | Enrollment data include all enrollments (21f and non-21f) for the 2016-17 school year. |
15-16 | 552 | 522 | 94.57% | None |
14-15 | 415 | 386 | 93.01% | Enrollment data includes all enrollments (21f and non-21f) for the 2014-15 school year. |
13-14 | 224 | 217 | 96.88% | Enrollment data include all enrollments (21f and non-21f) for the Spring and Summer 2013-14 school year. |
Students will require a computer device with headphones, a microphone, webcam, up-to-date Chrome Web Browser, and access to YouTube. NOTE: Students are required to have access to a webcam or other means of submitting video recordings of their performance of American Sign Language as a primary component of their required assessments.
Please review the Michigan Virtual Technology Requirements: